How to buy crypto (Bitcoin) at NBG?
Do you want to buy crypto from the National Bank of Greece (NBG)? It is not possible to buy crypto directly with your bank account at NBG, but by following the steps in this article you can still invest in crypto.
How to buy crypto at NBG?
Step 1: sign up with a crypto exchange
Before you can buy crypto, you need to link a crypto account to a crypto exchange. You can open an account with one of the following providers:
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Trade in Bitcoin & other cryptos! Try for free with a demo & deposit money with NBG after. eToro USA LLC; Investments are subject to market risk, including the possible loss of principal. |
Step 2: verify account & deposit money
An important next step is verifying your crypto account. You verify your account by uploading a copy of your passport and proof of address. Only after your account is fully verified can you deposit money directly from your NBG bank account.
Step 3: buy crypto with NBG
Now select the crypto you want to buy within the crypto exchange’s software. Most users choose to invest in Bitcoin; this is the first and still the most popular crypto. However, hundreds of other options exist, so it can certainly be interesting to research the crypto market extensively.
Within the order screen, you then enter the amount you want to invest. You can also optionally use a stop loss or a take profit. These orders allow you to automatically close the position at a specific time.
Do you think it’s a good time to sell your crypto? In that case, you can place a sell order on the crypto exchange platform. Sell orders are processed in the same way as buy orders and once the order is filled, you can have the money transferred back to your bank account at NBG.
What should you pay attention to when buying crypto?
Many inexperienced investors are interested in crypto. Crypto receives a lot of media attention, and the stories of young crypto millionaires are very popular.
Nevertheless, it is important to also carefully examine the risks. Crypto is very volatile, so you can quickly lose a large part of your deposit. Hackers are also a big problem. It is therefore essential to pay enough attention to the security of your account, for instance by choosing a strong password or by using an external wallet.
What is NBG’s stance on crypto?
The National Bank of Greece doesn’t really have an opinion when it comes to crypto. Therefore, as an NBG customer, you can buy and sell crypto from a reliable crypto exchange without any problems. However, it will be some time before you can buy crypto yourself at NBG.
About National Bank of Greece
The National Bank of Greece or NBG is a globally active bank headquartered in Athens. Most of its profits (85%) come from Greece, but the bank also raises quite a bit of money in south-Eastern Europe. The National Bank of Greece is Greece’s largest bank and exists since 1841.
Can you buy Bitcoin from NBG?
You can buy Bitcoin with your bank account at NBG, but you need to take some extra steps for this. This is because it is not possible to buy crypto directly with your account at NBG. However, by linking your bank account to a reliable exchange, you can invest in this new trend without any difficulties.